FOKO 2024-2025 Concert Season
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Experience the Kotzschmar Organ
Join Friends of the Kotzschmar Organ (FOKO) for a concert at Merrill Auditorium to hear and feel the Kotzschmar Memorial Organ, one of the great symphonic pipe organs in the world! With 7,101 pipes — over 5,500 facing from the stage and about 1,600 in the antiphonal, six stories above your seat — you won’t be disappointed by the surround-sound enveloping you. You will feel the 32-foot Bombarde pipes shake your seat. Add the Kotzschmar‘s magical toy box with all of its contemporary and silly sounds to the mix and you have a memorable event just waiting to happen. Don’t miss out; we look forward to seeing you!
Live tours are available. Sign up for yours today
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Letter from Peter Plumb
A founding member of Friends of the Kotzschmar Organ
It is a joy to welcome you to the Kotzschmar Organ and to the namesake organization that cares for this most magnificent of pipe organs. When Cyrus H.K. Curtis gave the Kotzschmar Organ to the City of Portland in 1912, he gave to the people of Portland a gift that would keep on giving —and the Kotzschmar Organ has done just that! Through concerts and tours that are offered live and online, the Kotzschmar Organ has meaningfully touched the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. We welcome you to learn more about this magnificent pipe organ, to enjoy our incredible and varied concerts, and to experience with our community the incredible musical offerings of the Kotzschmar Organ.
Support the
Kotzschmar Organ
Kotzschmar Organ
We are grateful for the generous donors, both local and from afar, for their incredible support of the Friends of the Kotzschmar Organ (FOKO). Each year, our donors show their appreciation for the great performances and inspiring events featuring the mighty Kotzschmar Organ. These gifts in addition to ticket purchases, concert sponsors, foundation grants and FOKO’s endowment enable us to continue producing world class music for the Portland, Maine, community and beyond. These vital contributions support concert expenses, guest artists, educational programs, organ maintenance and administrative costs. We thank each and every one of you for supporting the Kotzschmar Organ, no matter the monetary amount.