Kotzschmar Jr.
Designed and created by David Wallace in 2004, Kotzschmar Jr. is a small, portable, and fully functioning pipe organ. At the time Kotzschmar Jr. was built, the American Guild of Organists was running several programs across the country to show off the pipe organ. A lot of organ builders created demonstration organs for educational purposes, and David created Kotzschmar Jr. to assist in our outreach and educational programs. It gives students and adults alike the opportunity to see how an organ functions as it is played. The pipes can be easily removed so kids, students and adults can experience what it is like to blow into the pipes and hear how individual pipes sound.
Over the years, Kotzschmar Jr has traveled to many schools, the Children’s Museum & Theatre of Maine and several other destinations. Come to a Kotzschmar Organ concert and you will likely see Kotzschmar Jr being played in the lobby at Merrill Auditorium!