Each year hundreds of enthusiastic people donate to Friends of the Kotzschmar Organ to show their appreciation for the great music and events involving the Kotzschmar Organ. These generous gifts represent a significant portion of our funding each year. Together with concert admissions, concert sponsors, foundation grants and FOKO’s endowment, these vital contributions support concert expenses, guest artists, education programs, ongoing organ maintenance and administrative costs. Please join us in supporting the Kotzschmar Organ, Portland’s own municipal organ. We thank each and every one of you for your support of the Kotzschmar Organ, no matter how large or small your gift. For more information, please contact us.
To make an online contribution to Friends of the Kotzschmar Organ
You can also mail a check payable to Friends of the Kotzschmar Organ or FOKO to:
Friends of the Kotzschmar Organ is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and your gift is tax-deductible.
The Hermann Kotzschmar Society was established June 1, 2009, to help raise awareness of the need for and importance of annual giving and to honor contributions of $1,000 or more. Members of this group enjoy special recognition as part of their ongoing support.
Below is a list of contribution levels. Please choose the one that is right for you:
Hermann Kotzschmar Society
The Herman Kotzschmar Society was established June 1, 2009 to honor contributions of $1,000 or greater.

Gift in Your Will or Living Trust
The Kotszchmar Organ’s history stretches back more than 111 years. To honor those early founders, plus the many friends who have remembered Friends of Kotszchmar Organ in their estate plans, consider becoming a FOKO benefactor. Learn more by contacting Sophie Bray, Administrative Director at assistant@foko.org or 207-553-4363
Other opportunities for giving include business partnerships, concert sponsorship and in-kind gifts. For further information, please contact us.
Friends of the Kotzschmar Organ is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and your gift is tax-deductible.
The Hermann Kotzschmar Society was established June 1, 2009, to help raise awareness of the need for and importance of annual giving and to honor contributions of $1,000 or more. Members of this group enjoy special recognition as part of their ongoing support.
Below is a list of contribution levels. Please choose the one that is right for you:
Other opportunities for giving include business partnerships, concert sponsorship and in-kind gifts. For further information, please contact us.